The world is changing and so fast, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled by the internet age is taking over.
The founder Gabriel Eze, is an engineer and designer, who stops at nothing to create solutions to problems. The engineers and designers in his team who created this software are all from Nigeria, like I always say, Smart and intelligent minds reside in Nigeria.
Talking about innovation, imagine you see a picture online and want to find out useful information on the picture or item, Touchabl will do just that for you. This tool is vital, especially when you do not know the name or description of the item.
What I find interesting about Touchabl is the inclusion of different sectors, for example in businesses & education, as the app helps to tell a story with pictures.
Here, I present to you ‘Touchabl App’
picture: Touchabl pictures
Touchabl, according to the founder Gabriel Eze, is a new practical way of interacting with pictures, searching instantly anything in a picture by touching it. Isn’t that amazing?
There are other wonderful opportunities waiting for you especially those in business line, don’t miss it.
Below is a piece of his story about Touchabl and how it works.
Video: Gabriel Eze facebook
See how it works?
video: Gabriel Eze Facebook